What others are saying about Bill Butler & Butler Vet Insurance
"This is a MUST READ for EVERY Veterinary Practice Owner! Bill Butler has written a simple guide for helping you protect your business and his ideas will have a major, positive difference in your life! I HIGHLY recommend Bill's book! If you're looking for an insurance agent who comes from the heart, truly cares about people and will put your best interest first, then do yourself a favor and work with Bill today! You will be Grateful you did!"
— James Malinchak
Featured on ABCs Hit TV Show, "Secret Millionaire" (Viewed by 50 Million+ Worldwide) Authored 27 Books, Delivered 3,000+ Presentations & 2,000+ Business Consultations Best-Selling Author of Millionaire Success Secrets. Founder, www.BigMoneySpeaker.com
"Butler Vet Insurance takes care of our business needs, so we can take care of our patients"
— Dr. Heather Taylor
Grand Avenue Veterinary Center
"Bill and his team at Butler Vet Insurance are a huge asset to my practice. Over the past few years my business has grown, and I have always been able to rely on Bill to make sure my practice has the insurance it needs. Having a trusted insurance advisor like Bill is a
must for every practice owner."
— Dr. Sven Kohlmyer
DVM, Owner
Wayzata Pet Hospital
"I am so thankful to have Bill as my insurance agent and appreciate his integrity and expertise. I have peace of mind knowing I have the coverage I need and am protected. Bill understands the veterinary industry and the concerns veterinarians face."
— Dr. Amy Haarstad, DVM, DACVD,
Practice Owner,
Haarstad Veterinary Dermatology
"I have known Bill since 2014 and he is one of the best independent insurance agents in the industry. I have seen his growth as an agency
owner and thought leader in the industry. The level of investment in himself is uncommon in the insurance industry and watching him
take action to author this book has been impressive to watch."
— Russ Castle
Insurance by Castle
"One of the most important decisions business owners make, but often take for granted, is who we are going to select to protect our greatest asset. It is my privilege to recommend the preeminent authority to protect your veterinary practice-Bill Butler and his team. Bill is the nationally recognized authority for the vet insurance industry, a speaker, author and a business leader. This book is revolutionary and reiterates why every veterinary practice owner must work with Butler Vet Insurance."
— Mike Stromsoe
Insurance Agency Owner, Author, Speaker,
Business Coach
The Unstoppable Profit Producer
"I was first introduced to Bill Butler during a VHA webinar on Worker's Compensation insurance. I have been a veterinary practice owner for over 15 years but did not have a good understanding of our insurance policies, especially Worker's Compensation. Bill's presentation was well-organized and provided me with a much better understanding. I invited him to do a full insurance review for my practice, and after a thorough discussion of my individual needs we switched all of our policies over to Butler Vet Insurance. I highly recommend Bill Butler and Butler Vet Insurance for all of your veterinary practice insurance needs!"
— Jennifer Blair, DVM, CVA, CVFT, CTPEP
Hospital Administrator, Practice Owner
St Francis Animal Hospital / St Francis Integrative Services
"Bill Butler is a role model for other independent insurance agents
when it comes to professionalism, responsiveness and caring"
– Kevin Steiner
CEO & President
West Bend Mutual Insurance Company
"I know from my own experience coaching is the number one way for anybody to take things to the next level, Bill invested in coaching to help his team and his clients. This book is a product of that coaching."
— Joe Theismann
JRT Associates, Inc.
"Bill has been a part of the Minnesota Independent Insurance Agents Association as a member, an emerging leader, a legislative committee member, and now a trusted advisory agent owner. Bill has learned and advanced in his level of knowledge immensely over the past 18 years even during tough personal times. He is always striving to learn more to make his customers' lives more safe, sound and secure and is a valued member of the association."
— April Goodin
Director of Operations
MN Independent Insurance Agents Association
"Since joining the Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association as an Industry Partner Bill Butler has always been willing to help our Veterinarians when asked. We are grateful for Industry Partners like Bill and the support he has provided to MVMA over the years because it shows that he values everyone's success within the Minnesota Veterinary Community, this book is another example of
that support."
— Kelly Andrews
CAE, Executive Director
Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association
"I met Bill at a veterinary association event. At the time I didn't give my insurance much thought, until my renewal came with a significant rate increase. He was able to help me save money and keep the same coverage"
— Dr. Coral Riggs, DVM
North Paws Veterinary Clinic
"Bill took the time to help us with the special needs of house call practice. He let us know where we were already getting good rates
and where we could improve. When I was declined for disability insurance for a policy through an association, Bill found a way for
me to obtain policies for me and my practice. I will continue to use Bill for my insurance needs because of his honesty, integrity, and knowledge that he is looking out for me."
— Dr. Ann M. Fischer, DVM
Practice Owner
"Bill took the time to help us with the special needs of house call practice. He let us know where we were already getting good rates
and where we could improve. When I was declined for disability insurance for a policy through an association, Bill found a way for
me to obtain policies for me and my practice. I will continue to use Bill for my insurance needs because of his honesty, integrity, and knowledge that he is looking out for me."
— Dr. Ann M. Fischer, DVM
Practice Owner
"Bill's detailed knowledge of the veterinary field is evident, and is so valuable when it comes to insurance. We have also been impressed with his quick and thorough communication."
— Dr. Leah Renne, DVM
"A colleague recommended Bill Butler and Butler Vet Insurance and I am glad they did. Bill was able to fill some gaps in coverage and make sure my practice is insured properly."
— Dr. Rick Cameron
Bass Lake Pet Hospital
The Ideal Speaker for Your Next Event!
Any organization that wants to educate their people on insider insurance secrets for Veterinary Practices needs to hire Bill Butler for a keynote and/or workshop training!
Butler Vet Insurance
Po Box 240326
Apple Valley MN 55124
Direct / Text 952-208-7220
Toll Free 800-750-9775

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